Natural stone or engineered quartz countertops? Quartz vs granite, granite vs quartz, the defendants of each side on this debate have very strong arguments and aren’t likely to back down because they love their countertops and are perfectly happy with them. The truth is, there is no absolute winner here and both types of countertops […]
How To Lower The Cost Of Quartz Countertops
Quartz worktops are stunning, durable and add value to your home increasing your equity and making a sale easier. However, all of this doesn’t come for free: the cost of quartz countertops can be significant, particularly if you don’t have much experience buying and managing this sort of installation. This guide will help you evaluate […]
Inexpensive Marble Alternatives: Cultured Marble And Engineered Marble Countertops
Marble countertops have a reputation for being one of the most beautiful kitchen and bathroom surfaces, however, they can be quite costly. If you want the looks of this natural stone minus the cons of marble, cultured marble countertops are a great and much cheaper alternative, particularly for bathroom vanities and showers. What Is Cultured […]